by Dina Alexander | Sep 11, 2023 | Christlike Parenting, Holy Ghost, personal revelation, practical lds parenting, Priesthood Power
By Angelina Repka Many people have been hesitant to share much about their experiences because of how sacred they believe the temple is, and they want to be reverent. However, this has led to the temple often being shrouded in mystery for many people. Getting endowed...
by Dina Alexander | Mar 8, 2022 | Holy Ghost, personal revelation, Study Guides
By Dina Alexander Lately I have been thinking and pondering about who I am and what my missions are here on earth. As I have sought insight into these topics, I have rediscovered the book No Doubt About It by Sheri Dew. She seems to have all the answers! In reading...
by Dina Alexander | Oct 19, 2021 | Gospel parenting in the digital age, Holy Ghost, personal revelation
By Dina Alexander, MS I need to tell you a parenting secret… I need to tell you the single most effective tool that has helped me in protecting my kids and dealing with various challenges. For years I’ve studied the effects of pornography consumption, and its...
by Dina Alexander | Nov 25, 2019 | Gospel parenting in the digital age, Holy Ghost
By Dina Alexander, MS During Mutual last week, my husband taught a short lesson to the youth on mindfulness. He took the kids through a short yoga routine and a few minutes of quiet meditation. As he began the mediation, he encouraged the kids to clear their thoughts...