by Dina Alexander | Sep 11, 2023 | Christlike Parenting, Holy Ghost, personal revelation, practical lds parenting, Priesthood Power
By Angelina Repka Many people have been hesitant to share much about their experiences because of how sacred they believe the temple is, and they want to be reverent. However, this has led to the temple often being shrouded in mystery for many people. Getting endowed...
by Dina Alexander | Mar 8, 2022 | Holy Ghost, personal revelation, Study Guides
By Dina Alexander Lately I have been thinking and pondering about who I am and what my missions are here on earth. As I have sought insight into these topics, I have rediscovered the book No Doubt About It by Sheri Dew. She seems to have all the answers! In reading...
by Dina Alexander | Feb 25, 2022 | Be of Good Cheer, personal revelation
By Dina Alexander We are living in strange and perilous times and I love being alive at this time on earth. With all of the challenges and frustrations around us, we are incredibly blessed to be here during these latter-days. I truly believe that we were saved to...
by Dina Alexander | Oct 19, 2021 | Gospel parenting in the digital age, Holy Ghost, personal revelation
By Dina Alexander, MS I need to tell you a parenting secret… I need to tell you the single most effective tool that has helped me in protecting my kids and dealing with various challenges. For years I’ve studied the effects of pornography consumption, and its...
by Dina Alexander | May 17, 2020 | Gospel parenting in the digital age, personal revelation
By Dina Alexander, MS Our prophet and general officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have been very direct in the past few General Conferences. President Russell M. Nelson, current president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints ,...
by Dina Alexander | May 11, 2020 | personal revelation, testimony
By Dina Alexander, MS My kids have always asked me lots of questions–I’m sure yours have too! Sometimes they are fun and fascinating. “Mom, where does Heavenly Father live?” Sometimes they can be embarrassing or unexpected. “Mom, what’s oral sex?” Whatever...
by Dina Alexander | Oct 31, 2019 | Come Follow Me, personal revelation
By Dina Alexander, MS Teaching our kids to hear, understand, and act on promptings is one of the most important things we will do as parents. Now it can be fairly simple to teach our kids to follow promptings that are comfortable or expected—like saying “thank you,”...