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By Dina Alexander, MS

I need to tell you a parenting secret… I need to tell you the single most effective tool that has helped me in protecting my kids and dealing with various challenges. For years I’ve studied the effects of pornography consumption, and its opposite, healthy sexuality. I’ve studied the effects of teen social media use and obsession, talked with my kids repeatedly about both, and MANY, MANY other topics. I taught them how to avoid bad situations and what to do if they get in those situations. Etc. Etc. Etc. 

I have talked with parenting experts around the country, read their books, and practiced their advice. But the single, MOST effective tool that has guided me above all has been: The Still Small Voice. I call it the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost: Your Most Critical Parenting Tool

You may call it your conscience, your instincts, or your inner voice,but It has whispered to me at the most critical moments and nudged me into action many times. It’s the voice that has told me to check internet histories, texts, social media accounts, and more. It’s the voice that has told me to wrap my arms around my kids and start listening! It’s the voice that has told my husband to come home early from work, to take a walk with one of my kids, to be tough at times, and to back off at others. 

The Holy Ghost has given me the words to say and has softened my heart so that I could have a better perspective and see my kids as they truly are—as God’s children. 

Keeping the Holy Ghost Present in Your Life

I sometimes still need to be reminded that we need daily “manna” in order to keep the Spirit in our lives. It’s not enough for us to have one or two major spiritual experiences a year. We must make small, daily efforts to grow spiritually and to keep the Holy Ghost as our constant companion. As Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “This … takes a steady effort on our part. We cannot be content with spiritual experiences of the past. We need a steady flow.

We can’t rely on others’ testimonies forever. We must build our own.

We need an ongoing, daily infusion of heavenly light.” 

But again, it doesn’t need to be a massive effort every day. We just need to keep trying, keep pressing forward, and doing our best. Remember, the Lord loves effort!

I hope you will take the time this week to get closer to that Voice. To seek ways to make that Voice your constant companion. In my prayers and scripture study I will be praying and pondering for more insight into God’s plan for me as a mom, as a wife, and as a daughter of Heavenly Parents. What insight and personal revelation will you seek for?

“I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.” —Doctrine and Covenant 84:88

An Awesome Resource to Teach About the Holy Ghost

All of us could use insights to improve our efforts to receive personal revelation. Check out my book for families, This is the Spirit of Revelation for simple, powerful explanations to teach your kids how to prepare for, understand, and act upon personal revelation.

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Dina Alexander is the founder of Educate and Empower Kids (, an organization determined to strengthen families by teaching digital citizenship, media literacy, and healthy sexuality education—including education about the dangers of online porn. She is the creator of How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography and the 30 Days of Sex Talks and 30 Days to a Stronger Child programs. She is also the author of Noah’s New Phone: A Story About Using Technology for Good and Petra’s Power to See: A Media Literacy Adventure

Most recently she has published The Powers of Heaven, A Priesthood Guide for Latter-day Saint Girls and Boys, Chloe has a Question, a Very Important Question and This is the Spirit of Revelation for Latter-day Saint children.

Dina received her master’s degree in recreation therapy from the University of Utah and her bachelors from Brigham Young University. She loves being a mom and spending time with her husband and three kids. Together, they live in New Mexico. She has been a speaker at BYU Women’s Conference, has twice presented on the Mormon Channel’s Gospel Solutions for Families, and has been a guest on over 20 podcasts. She is currently in production with Deseret Books’ SEEK program where she is filming a short video series on how to talk with children about pornography.


Uchtdorf, D. F. (2021, October). Daily restoration. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from

Keep the Spirit in Your Lives!

“Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God. …

“The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth.”

—D&C 121:45–46

The Guide Your Family Needs

Check out my book for children, This is the Spirit of Revelation for simple, powerful explanations to teach your kids how to hear, understand, and act upon personal revelation.

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