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By Dina Alexander, MS

“Priesthood is power like none other on earth or in heaven. It is the very power of God himself, the power by which the worlds were made, the power by which all things are regulated, upheld, and preserved.”—Bruce R. McConkie

What an awe-inspiring, all-encompassing description of the priesthood. I love this quote! And have so loved the many, many truths I’ve learned while researching and writing my newest children’s book, The Powers of Heaven: A Priesthood Guide for Latter-day Saint Girls and Boys. 

There is so much l’ve wanted to share with you, and your kids and it’s been challenging to discern which are the most important truths for our kids to know now (and what they should work to find out on their own). 

Extraordinary Truths for Every Latter-day Saint

One of the truths I felt impressed to write on was about our feelings of personal worth and potential. I want so badly for you and your kids to understand that each of us have missions to fulfill and work to do that God has specifically assigned to each and everyone.

You have purpose and no one can truly take your place. Sure, God may give certain work to do if someone doesn’t fulfill their duty or stay “on the path.” But they most likely cannot do it as well as you can. There are certain gifts and personality traits that only you possess. There are certain people that only you can touch. Allow priesthood power to work in your life so that you may know what your missions are and so that you may magnify them the best you can.

I hope you know and have a testimony of the following priesthood truth, stated by Russell M. Nelson: “Every woman and every man who makes covenants with God and keeps those covenants, and who participates worthily in priesthood ordinances, has direct access to the power of God.” This includes our children who have made and keep their baptismal covenants! What a blessing! 

If you are like me, you probably didn’t know this until recently. I stumbled through Primary and Young Womens thinking that priesthood power was only something that a boy or a man could access. Later I thought that I could only access priesthood power through my husband who is a Melchizedek priesthood holder. But no, our Heavenly Parents are generous. Each of us can access priesthood power if we make and keep our covenants.

”Priesthood power, much like the gift of the Holy Ghost, comes from our loving Father in Heaven and from our personal righteousness. In keeping our covenants with the Lord, we have the opportunity to receive revelation about our lives, about our families, jobs, school — everything for which we seek guidance. There is nothing that is important to us that is unimportant to the Lord.”— Jean B.Bingham

We Must Teach These Gospel Truths to Our Children

It is vital that we teach our children these truths! They have infinite worth and potential, and God has a work for each of them to do. We must help them know that they can access priesthood power so that they can more fully receive personal revelation and other blessings.

I wholeheartedly agree with Barbara Morgan Gardner when she said, “I strongly suggest that we follow the invitations of our Church leaders and strive to better understand the priesthood in a personal way only the Spirit can teach. I am absolutely convinced that the Lord is trying to teach us.”

The way forward is clear. Seek out scripture, doctrinally sound books, and talks about priesthood. Research these and pray for further knowledge. Act upon what you learn. Teach others, especially your children! They need this knowledge now more than ever. 

Latter-day Guide for Families

For more inspired information and discussions to enjoy with your family, check out my new book, The Powers of Heaven, A Priesthood Guide for Latter-day Saint Girls and Boys. Every statement I make in this book has been researched and is based in scripture and the words of our General Authorities. 

This book is meant to be read together—a child and parent or teacher learning together. Talk over the new and familiar concepts. If you are looking for a more meaningful experience, try an activity or discuss the questions in the workbook.

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Dina Alexander is the founder of Educate and Empower Kids (, an organization determined to strengthen families by teaching digital citizenship, media literacy, and healthy sexuality education—including education about the dangers of online porn. She is the creator of How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography and the 30 Days of Sex Talks and 30 Days to a Stronger Child programs. She is also the author of Noah’s New Phone: A Story About Using Technology for Good and Petra’s Power to See: A Media Literacy Adventure

Most recently she has published The Powers of Heaven, A Priesthood Guide for Latter-day Saint Girls and Boys, Chloe has a Question, a Very Important Question and This is the Spirit of Revelation for Latter-day Saint children.

Dina received her master’s degree in recreation therapy from the University of Utah and her bachelors from Brigham Young University. She loves being a mom and spending time with her husband and three kids. Together, they live in New Mexico. She has been a speaker at BYU Women’s Conference, has twice presented on the Mormon Channel’s Gospel Solutions for Families, and has been a guest on over 20 podcasts. She is currently in production with Deseret Books’ SEEK program where she is filming a short video series on how to talk with children about pornography.


Bingham, Jean B. “President Bingham on Women and Priesthood The Lord Is Leading Us Gently Along.” Church News, 12 May 2020,

Gardner, Barbara Morgan. The Priesthood Power of Women: in the Temple, Church, and Family. Deseret Book, 2019.

Nelson, Russell M. (2019, October). Spiritual Treasures. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved October 29, 2020, from 

We Can Access Priesthood Power

“Our Father in Heaven is generous with His power. All men and all women have access to this power for help in their lives. All who have made sacred covenants with the Lord and who honor those covenants are eligible to receive personal revelation, to be blessed by the ministering of angels, to commune with God, to receive the fullness of the gospel, and, ultimately, to become heirs alongside Jesus Christ of all our Father has.”—M. Russell Ballard

Do your kids have questions about the priesthood?

Find your answers in our newest book The Powers of Heaven. Written for children and their families, this is a an amazing guide to help kids understand how to connect to priesthood power and what can prevent them from doing so. 

The Ultimate Guide

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